The Educational Specialist (EDS) in Teacher Leadership program at Georgia College & State University is a completely online degree created to meet the high needs area of equipping classroom teachers will the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to act as leaders within their schools. Candidates will learn how to coach and mentor, how to create and sustain professional learning communities, and serve as a resource for other educators. This degree is considered a new field service certification and a candidate can be certified as a teacher leader by taking a GACE assessment. This degree also equips candidates with one of the requirements to move up within Georgia’s new Tiered Certification for teachers. Candidates completing this degree program and passing the GACE assessment, then, will earn an EDS degree in Teacher Leadership, add a new field service certification to their teaching certification, and be certified as a teacher leader. This degree is not a leadership degree. It is a degree for teachers who wish to improve their skills as a professional educator.
The EDS in Teacher Leadership is a 30 hour program. Twenty-three hours of the 30 hours are core courses, including a 4 hour practicum. In consultation with their advisor, students will choose an additional seven hours of content courses. Students may take their seven hours of content courses within the EDTL level courses which are offered, or students have the option of taking their content courses in their area of certification with other programs at GCSU, although these courses may not be offered online. The degree program must be completed within six years beginning with the initial date of course work. Only those courses listed on the program of graduate study fulfill degree requirements. Only grades of A or B count toward the EDS degree. The degree program must be completed within six years beginning with the initial date of course work. Only those courses listed on the program of graduate study fulfill degree requirements.
Admission Requirements
Ed.S. Program
Application for Admission
Valid Teaching Certificate
Transcripts from all institutions attended
Two professional letters of recommendation (at least one of which is an immediate supervisor/administrator)
Statement of professional purpose for seeking Ed.S. degree (Not to exceed 2-pages)
GPA Requirement:
Option 1: Applicants who have a minimum graduate GPA of 3.2 from a regionally accredited university may be considered for admission to College of Education Ed.S. programs.
Option 2: Applicants who have completed a graduate degree with an overall GPA between 3.0 and 3.19 from a regionally accredited university and hold 3 successful years of teaching experience , as documented by a letter from the current employer, may be considered for admission to a College of Education Ed.S. programs.
Educational Leadership applicant must hold Tier 1 certification, Georgia PSC L or PL in Education Leadership and provide GACE test code 380 scores.
Teacher Leadership requires 3 years of teaching and a recommendation by the school system administrator or designee.